Wednesday, February 6, 2013



I'm here again today. Hmmm... Actually I dont know what to do rite now, I'm alone in Masjid Sultan Ahmad Shah UIAM, waiting for my brother.

Okay... What is rash???

Rash is changes of the skin in term of colour, texture and appearance.
There are many types of rashes like :
1. Macule - non-palpable, size less than 5mm
2. Patch - Non-palbable, size more than 5 mm
3. Papule - palpable, size less than 5 mm
4. Plaque - palpable, seize more than 5 mm
5. Purpura - red-purplish lesion, non blanching, size about 5mm to 10mm
6. Petichiae - is a purpura but less than 3 mm
7. Echymosis - also a purpura bu size more than 10mm
8. Erythematous - Redness, usually not palpable, blanching

Different between purpura and erythematous is purpura is caused by bleeding, usually occured in vasculitis, while erythematous Is hyperemia of capillary.

9. Vesicle - fluid-contain, well circumscribed, elevated lesion, size Less than 5mm
10. Bullous - large vesicle, more than 5mm, contain serpus or seropurulent fluid
11. Pustule - small size, elevated, contain purulent fluid
12. Telangiectasia - Enlargement of superficial blood vessel

When someone had rash, we must thing 2 major causes of rash, wether it was a skin disease or systemic disease that manifested as skin lesion. Usually, patient with systemic disease will have associated symptom of fever.

When I was in peadiatric posting in year 4, Dr Kamarul had told us the easier way to remember of  rash associated with fever by the menumonic of 'very sick people must take early retirement' .
Day 1 - Very - varicella
Day 2 - sick - scarlet fever
Day 3 - people - pox (chicken pox)
Day 4 - must - measle
Day 5 - take - thypus
Day 6 - early - enterovirus (thypoid fever)
Day 7 - retirement (rubella) ( plus dengue)
So, onset of fever is important here to make diagnosis of rash.

Other diagnoses of rash that usually found among peadiatric patient Are Kawasaki disease, Henoch-scholein purpura and idiopatic thrombocytopeanic purpura.

Most common skin disease are eczema and psoriasis. The manifestation are variable, depends on the types of eczema an psoariasis.

Okay.. I need to stop here, I need to take my bus to go back to my hometown!!! Yeaaahh..... Balik kampung!! Bye n salam!

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